(December 6-16, 2018)
We are taking The LOVE Project back to Uganda!
Since 2011, we have made at least one trip every year to minister to the kids and staff of Okoa Refuge and to the people in the areas near Masaka, Uganda. This year we will hold our third LOVE Project event… but our first during the CHRISTMAS season! We, along with a small team of arts teachers, will spend a week training the kids at the Okoa Refuge orphanage in dance, drama, visual art and music… teaching them to use their gifts and talents to reach the world. The week will culminate in an outreach performance… performed by the Okoa kids as an outreach in THEIR VILLAGE!
One day while we are there, part of our team will also have the opportunity to minister to women who are working in prostitution through the Okoa Refuge Philippi Project!
In addition, we will also spend a few days worshiping with, encouraging and ministering to the Ugandan staff of Okoa Refuge. These sweet people have given their lives to insure that the orphan kids they serve will grow up to be upstanding men and women, future leaders and capable ministers of the Gospel.
The culture of corruption is giving way to the culture of the Kingdom! Be a part of sending us back to Uganda this Christmas:
Fundraising Goal: $7,500 / Still needed: $3,915

(Sept 26 – Oct 15, 2018)
We believe that Europe is on the brink of a great revival that will not only impact that continent but will ripple through the Middle East as well! We have been praying for this and feel the Lord is asking us to put a priority on Europe for this next season of our ministry. In response, we’ve spent time ministering in France and Portugal last year and Germany, Netherlands and Lithuania already this year.
Our next step is to make an extended trip to Europe at the end of September. We will visit France, Portugal and Germany and invest a week in each country continuing our mission of lighting fires of passion and purpose within the hearts of the people in those nations!
Many of you have heard some of the truly amazing testimonies that have come from our previous trips to the region and we can not wait to see what the Lord will do during the next few weeks there! It is just the beginning of something huge!
Please consider supporting this mission.
Fundraising Goal: $10,000 / Still needed: $8,032

(Sept 5 – Sept 14, 2018)
Back to Zambia!! Every year we get the opportunity to be a part of “Revival Week” during Overland Missions’ Advanced Missions Training course! It is a week of worship, training and pouring into the missionaries who have come from all over the world attend this rigorous 3-month course!
This is one of our favorite trips to make because we are teaching and training missionaries who are serious about giving their lives to ministry in some of the most remote places on earth! Through the many years we’ve ben a part of this course, we have poured a little piece of Ignition Point into missionaries who have gone on to serve in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Brazil and all over Africa! It is an honor to invest in these world-changers!
Be a part of sending us on this mission!
Fundraising Goal: $2,750 / Still needed: $2,450

(July 17-24, 2018)
After more than 60 trips to Brazil, we are still going strong!
In July, we are going back to Recife, in response to an invitation extended by our friends at Shores Of Grace, to be part of a month-long school of the arts! Last year, many of the young people considered to be some of the most influential culture shapers of Brazil’s young generation were gathered at this school, learning how they can use the combination of the arts, culture and ministry to win their nation for the Lord! This year, we will have the opportunity to pour our hearts into this group of young artists and culture shapers, share from our experiences using the arts in the nations, lead them in worship and minister alongside them in the streets of Recife! It is a valuable opportunity to impart something strong that will be quickly multiplied throughout Brazil’s next generation!
Be a part of sending us back to Brazil:
Fundraising Goal: $6,000 / Still needed: $2,765
In just the last 2 years, we have embarked on 25 international ministry trips, while only raising funds for a small portion of these missions. Leaving the footprints we are able to in the nations wouldn’t be possible without our monthly partners!
Faithful monthly support allows us to consistently carry our message into all the world!
Be a part of our monthly team:
* All contributions are tax-deductible through Ignition Point Ministries, Inc – a registered 501.c3 organization.